Frequently Asked Questions

Some tips to navigate the new site.
Where can I find the content previously published on Traces Online?

The Traces archive is available online from 1999 to present issues. All digital issues are accessible in the Traces section and do not require a subscription. Editorials and Page One are also available in the Traces section.

How can I read the articles in the latest issue of Traces?

The latest issue of Traces will be accessible in the Traces section in PDF format. Users will be able to download it to their devices, or simply read it online.

Where can I find texts by Fr. Giussani?

Some textual excerpts and videos can be found in About CL and Fr. Giussani. In the Fr. Giussani section of the digital archives you can also find about forty significant texts by Giussani. His writing published in Traces or Page One can be found in the Traces section. All other Giussani texts are collected in the Scritti digital archives, which one can access with a free account.

Where can I find information about CL events in Ireland?

The Communion and Liberation Ireland events worth noting, organized by cultural centers and local groups are visible in the Calendar section of this site.

How can I receive news and updates from the Irish website?

It is possible to receive news and updates by subscribing to the newsletter. To sign up you will need to complete this online form with your contact information.

Is the content of the English site available on social media?

Yes, you can find them in the footer of this page.

How can I submit my contribution for the CL Ireland website?

All submissions for the irish website can be sent to info@clireland.com. They will then be reviewed by the editorial board and considered for publication.