Pope Francis greets families at the Festival of Families in Croke Park, Dublin, held during the 9th World Meeting of Families in Ireland in August 2018 (Catholic Communications Office archive)

Referendum in Ireland on March 8th

The Referendums concern the concept of Family and protection of mothers in the homes.
The statement of the Church on the Family and Care referendums.
Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference

  • The proposed Family amendment to the Constitution diminishes the unique importance of the relationship between marriage and family in the eyes of Society and State and is likely to lead to a weakening of the incentive for young people to marry.
  • The Care amendment would have the effect of abolishing all reference to motherhood in the Constitution and leave unacknowledged the particular and incalculable societal contribution that mothers in the home have made and continue to make in Ireland … The role of mothers should continue to be cherished in our Constitution.

    Upon his arrival in Ireland for the World Meeting of Families on 25 August 2018, Pope Francis met at Dublin Castle with representatives of civil, cultural and religious life, including the Taoiseach and members of the Government. Pope Francis said he was visiting Ireland to help families “reaffirm their commitment to loving fidelity, mutual assistance and reverence for God’s gift of life in all its forms, but also to testify to the unique role played by the family in the education of its members, and the development of sound and flourishing social fabric”. He added, “Families are the glue of society, their welfare cannot be taken for granted, but must be promoted and protected by every appropriate means”.In this context, we wish to comment on the two important referendums on family and care which are taking place on 8 March 2024.

    The Family Amendment – 39th Amendment (amending Article 41)
    The Family, based on the exclusive, life-long and life-giving public commitment of Marriage, is the foundational cell of society and essential to the common good. This reality of the Family corresponds to the unchanging plan of God for humanity and the importance of the Family continues to be acknowledged by people of good will, whether they be persons of faith or not. (...)

    Keep reading on the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference Website