Food for Faith
Pages: 246
For more than a decade John O’Connor has offered regular written and audio reflections through the www.foodforfaith.org.nz website to encourage people who are seeking greater maturity of life through faith lived in the reality of the ups and downs of everyday twenty-first century life.
In response to requests a selection of these reflections is now offered in these pages, presenting Christian faith as the ultimate adventure, a relationship with the divine which offers meaning and motivation to every person in every moment.
There is no right or wrong way to use this book. You might take a journey from the first page to the last, perhaps stopping to ponder a phrase or a paragraph, or skim through the index turning to whichever title attracts you.
The braided river cover image suggests that there are as many ways to experience God as there are people and experiences.
Sometimes we feel as though we have lost direction and are even moving backwards, but just as the braided river meanders, a sense that we have lost the flow is very often a calling to go deeper.
We all have the same origin and the same destination, and the unique pathways of our lives reveal the richness and abundance of life lived in relationship with Jesus Christ who is God-with-us.