Is It Possible to Live This Way?
Vol. 2 Hope
Pages: 176
(The book is also available for purchase through Barnes and Noble, itacalibri, and through the National office in NY by writing to communionandliberation@clhac.com)
Is It Possible to Live This Way?, a translation of the second part of Luigi Giussani’s Si Può Vivere Così?, addresses the virtue of hope. A compilation of Giussani’s conversations with young people who have chosen the path of the consecrated life in the Church – that is, have chosen to live their lives in the world according to the “evangelical counsels” of poverty, chastity, and obedience – it proposes an unusual yet reasonable approach to living as a Christian.
As in all his works, Giussani encourages young people to be serious about their own existence and loyal to their experience. The conversations reported here are fascinating and insightful, providing support for a way of life that today is frequently questioned, rejected, or censured.
Also published:
- Luigi Giussani, Is It Possible to Live This Way? Vol. 1 Faith
McGill-Queen's University Press - Montreal, Canada, 2008
- Luigi Giussani, Is It Possible to Live This Way? Vol. 3 Charity
McGill-Queen's University Press - Montreal, Canada, 2009